Find collaboration
all over the world
60+ types of
recyclable materials
Verified users and
+35 years of experience
How it Works
Become member of
the first internacional
e-commerce recycling web
Just by clicking you can become member of the first internacional e-commerce recycling web. Depending the plan you choose you will be able to public in our MARKET PLACE the materials you have to offer, find offers all around the world of other companies, close international deals with the security and trust we can provide you, among other benefits.

International Leeds

Time & Money

make your deals
We’ve created a marketplace for recyclable goods which connects buyers and sellers from around the world and make their business grow by matching their buying and selling needs. All our activities are based on good commercial practices as well as high standards of quality.
Waste Trade
Visit our easy platform where you will be able to find and place offers of specific recyclable goods that have demand all around the world. All the companies members of this site have been previously checked and certified by our specialists in order to always guarantee the highest standards in quality of the offered products. Mwaning that our platform in certain way becomes the designer of international trustworthy deals.

Secure transaction first
Our platform is working in a secure and certified mode. To keep this standard we require in the registration phase all the users to upload the certifications, authorization and all the needed docuemnts for the waste business.

Close your deal
We support you throughout the sales or purchase process until the delivery of the goods
Using the information the users upload at the registration, our team will help you with all the different steps needed to have the goods in your storage. More than this our algorithim will advice you if there will be new materials for sales corresponding to the specification of the buyer
Our Clients
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